ACA 2019 Marketplace Plan Benefits Summary

Consumers’ Checkbook has created a tool to assist consumers with ACA marketplace options. The 2019 Benefits Summary has a side-by-side comparison of all 2019 plans available in each county in Alabama. You can access the guide for your state here:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/svf18jynndg2t15/AADK7keIyJ9teHVhYciQXcRia?dl=0

Each county has its own excel file and includes tabs for each metal level of marketplace plans (Catastrophic, Bronze, Silver, CSR Silver, Gold, and Platinum).  As you’ll see in the first tab, it is noted that the information included in this resource may not be 100% accurate if there are errors in the source data.  If you learn of more accurate information for any particular plan, you are able to go in and edit the document accordingly.  The first tab also includes an explanation about the plan information included in each tab and how you can use this guide.

Those who download the guides, please share your contact information with Consumers’ Checkbook so that they can follow up and get feedback on ways to improve this tool over time.  Assisters can submit their contact info here: https://tinyurl.com/Checkbook2019PlanBenefits

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